2 definitions by Eric (bishop bana) Edstrom

a hold that restricts the breathing of a victim by applying pressure on the windpipe and the nerves surrounding it. this act is carried out by use of a gila monster and is widely outlawed in social situations except as a punishment for stupidity. made famous by the great Bishop Bana. always coming from behind and usually by surprise, once it is locked in...may god have mercy on you.
"Here comes a gila choke!"
by Eric (bishop bana) Edstrom October 18, 2007
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a creature of pure torture or pleasure depending on it's usage. most commonly found to be residing within the denim confines of eric bana's pants. when venturing out of said confines, it prefers warm, moist caverns and is known to burrow deep within these trenches for comfort.

will attack if provoked.
"keep your gila monster away from my girlfriend!"
by Eric (bishop bana) Edstrom October 18, 2007
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