1 definition by Ender "Andrew" Wiggin

A branch of the Christian faith that was formed during the reformation led by Martin Luther. Protestants reject the beliefs of Catholics and delete parts of the bible all willy nilly and deemed the texts proving Catholicism "Apocryphal", thus the King James Version Bible was born. They believe that having Priests, Monsignors, Bishops Archbishops, Cardinals, the Pope, and all the Saints is Idolatry, believing Catholics worship them, when, in fact, Catholics believe even after death, their soul is still alive even though their physical body is deceased. Catholics do not worship them, but pray to them asking them to pray for them, just like asking a friend to pray for you, but the only way to communicate with someone in heaven is through prayer.

They are also the branch of the Christian faith that does not drink as much, eat as much, or party as much as Catholics

A popular form of Protestantism is the Baptist faith. Baptist claim they are the first religion started by John the Baptist, but if you actually read the WHOLE bible, John wasn't a practitioner of the Baptist religion, but one who Baptized other people.

Protestants also believe that if you are not an exact copy of them then you are impure, and are going to burn in hell for committing Heresy.

Some radical protestants reject the belief in Christmas, Easter, and Halloween due to "Satanic Rituals." Some also believe that every little fault in a person is a demon that has to be exorcized. Pope John Paul II only performed 2 exorcisms in his whole life.

Protestants believe that Mary, mother of God was not a virgin, nor the mother of God. Catholics do not believe that she actually gave birth to an Omnipotently infinite deity, but she did give birth to Jesus, who is one third of God, the other two being the Father and the Holy Spirit. Catholics believe Mary was immaculate and pure her whole life, and there is a section in the bible when she ascends to heaven and is crowned Queen of the Universe. They also believe that when catholics perform the Rite of Communion they are worshipping Wine and Bread as holy. Catholics believe that God blessed the Bread and Wine and made it the body and blood of Christ.
Greg the Baptist: "What religion are you?"

Jeremy the Catholic: "Catholic"

Greg:"Oh you're not Christian, you're going to hell, I'm protestant, god likes me more."

Jeremy: "Why."

Greg:"-----I---I think its-----hmmph. I don't know, but my pastor said so."
by Ender "Andrew" Wiggin July 11, 2008
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