2 definitions by Emotional Sociopath

Toke and Woke is the false sense of insight/intelligence experienced by stoners after consuming marijuana. Generally used disparagingly, in order to belittle and imply a general lack of intelligence, especially when spouting poorly thought out conspiracy theories.
Person 1: "I never understand what he means by what he says. He acts like he is mentally superior, but what comes out is just drivel".

Person 2: "Sounds like a textbook case of 'Toke 'n' Woke'".
by Emotional Sociopath September 17, 2018
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A person that 'sucks' hard/a lot.

Derived from the name of a pre internet era penis pump brand.
Person 1: Do you know Billy?
Person 2: Yeah, he's a real dickenheimer
by Emotional Sociopath November 30, 2022
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