2 definitions by Emaj

A person who is socially awkward, makes people around them feel uncomfortable, someone who thinks they are part of a group or conversation but really is not. When telling a story they act as if they were there, when they weren't. They hover a lot when not wanted.
Katelyn is being SUCH a cornmilk right now
by Emaj July 1, 2015
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It is the anglo/asian version of a bromance. The intense love shared between a heterosexual anglo and asian person (of either sex).
John: Dude, you know how you're my ricemance? Do you want to go out for a Thirsty Tuesday tonight and sink some beers?

Janssen: Yeah, I'd love you long time if we did

John: You're awesome, can't wait to spend some quality time with you
by Emaj April 7, 2010
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