1 definition by ElizaPhish

The urge or impulse to leave a perfectly decent party or show not long after arriving. Taking in everything you want or need to & then splittin'...sometimes prematurely. Thinking you may miss something at the next party or show so you do a quick walk thru & move on to next destination. Having "FOMA" and/or Fear Of missing ANYTHING. It could also mean that you think the party is lame or 'played out' OR that you've seen your stalker or your ex. Lastly, you're so cool that you do that quick walk thru and yer 'too cool for school' so you make an Irish exit.
"I hope you're ready to go bc I feel the Igottagobia comin' on". "Why can't you stay?" "Igottagobia".
by ElizaPhish November 14, 2013
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