1 definition by El Blaneos

A word used constantly by lads in sydney who think their top shit. (1): It usually means good or cool.(2) Is also used to mean run, usually when someone see's them writing up one will shout eshays and they will all piss bolt. The word Illchays (as in chill) is also used but when someone is coming but hasnt seen them yet, so they dont need to run but just stop their homo activities
(1) Lad 1: Oi bro, i just staunched some cu*t for his wallet.
Lad 2: Eshays

(2) Lad 1: Oi lad, check out this sick throwy

Lad 2: *see's someone running towards them* ESHAYS!!!
by El Blaneos January 21, 2006
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