1 definition by Duncan CM

Noun. Refers to a social 'type' among young people, often at while at university or school. Depending on the environment this term can have varying degrees of intensity.

Generally, it is used when refering to someone who posseses or aspires (painfully) to the stereotypical characteristics of what is seen as a higher social class (in the traditional, fixed sense).

For example, in a wealthy public school a rah may have to envoke an image of old aristocracy and do so in a pompous and superior manner - usually demonstrated in an expensive, flamboyant lifestyle and often loudly declared opinion.

Whereas in an enivronment where there is fewer generally exuberant lifestyles an individual could be termed a rah simply for being obviously more asperational or often just wealthy in itself.

Has many connotations of succeeding only as a result of old boy networks and from being fully supported by parents.
Withnail is perhaps a rah in the asperational sense.

Sebastian of Bridehead Revisited could be described as a rah.

by Duncan CM February 16, 2006
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