1 definition by Duke of Chubb

Otherwise known as a master of a McDojo, someone who purchases martial art belts from eBay at £3 and passes them off as genuine achievements for "attendees of classes" and charges them £35 a pop.

1. A self promoting narcissist with low personality traits
2. Someone who presents themself as something their not to manipulate people out of money
3. An unqualified person who is useless at blagging, pretty much a wank salesman
4. Talentless twunt
"I can't believe after 10 months i'm a black belt, didnt realise my instructor was a Tovey"
"Another Tovey McDojo being set up I see, white belt to black belt in just £1000!"
"How can I have earned a belt for showing up to class? You're such a Tovey!"
"Look at this Tovey, he'd make more signing on!"
by Duke of Chubb April 2, 2020
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