2 definitions by Dryhumor
A form of Perjury and Fraud that is sanctioned by the State of California. Men who do not find out that "their" children are not in fact theirs within the state's statute of limitations are forced to continue to pay child support. This can take place regardless of evidence provided by the men.
A guy signs a birth certificate because his girlfriend says he's the dad. 5 Years later he finds the children have been seeing their biological father the whole time while he has been paying child support. The state forces him to continue to pay child support regardless of the results of DNA tests.
He is a Paternity Fraud Victim.
He is a Paternity Fraud Victim.
by Dryhumor September 9, 2009
A term used for a joke or humor which resides above a particular individual's realm of intelligence.
My Girlfriend: I watched The Colbert Report and he really isn't that funny
Her Sister: I know... I guess it's just "dry humor."
If your head suddenly itches it's probably dry humor.
Her Sister: I know... I guess it's just "dry humor."
If your head suddenly itches it's probably dry humor.
by Dryhumor September 9, 2009