1 definition by Drone2D2

Spitshnoggle- Any event of bad timing, had something not happened a certain way, you would have benefitted or won or succeeded.
Spitshnoggled - past tense of spitshnoggle.

Spitshnoggle: to be royally screwed over

In some form or fashion by someone else!
Example1- standing in line to get a lotto ticket, and realizing you needed a pack of skittles, so you ask the person behind you to wait a sec while you get your skittles, but the instant you turned your back he bellied up to the counter and low and behold won the 35 million dollar jackpot.
Example 2- your mother (or father) dieing a year sooner then their parents and (since they passed away before their living parent) getting spittsnoggled out of their portion of equil shares of what the parent had left to the remaining kids.

(The kids that lost their mom or dad before the grandparents died, got spittshnoggled by the aunts and/or uncles)
by Drone2D2 December 7, 2016
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