1 definition by Dragonator0007

An extrograte country is one that has a high rate of emigration and a low rate of immigration. It represents a situation in which a significant portion of the population permanently leaves the country while only a small number of people from other countries enter it. Extortion may be influenced by variables such as economic possibilities, political unpredictability, social conditions, or demographic shifts. The population, economics, labour market, demographics, and social structure of the country are all affected by this phenomenon. It frequently causes a shrinking labour force, brain drain, and demographic inequalities. Minimal immigration makes these consequences worse. In conclusion, a country is considered to be extrograte if there is a considerable outflow of citizens and a negligible intake, which has an impact on the country's development and growth.
1/ A country is going through extrogation as a result of fewer employment prospects and a precarious financial state.

2/ A nation is undergoing extrogation as a result of a lack of employment possibilities and a precarious financial state.

3/A country is experiencing extrogation because its citizens are leaving the country while there is no immigration into the country.

4/ This is an extrograte country. being defined
by Dragonator0007 May 23, 2023
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