2 definitions by Dr.Pepperlotsundbergy

The slightly rediculous rhymes your mother told you when you were little. They usually contain babies crashing to the ground in cradles, and riding riding six white horses around moutains.
Boy: Mom, did you tell me nursery rhymes when I was litte?

Mother: Yes, you loved the one about some guy burning his package on a candle stick.
by Dr.Pepperlotsundbergy April 26, 2008
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The room in which the slightly special kids go. They are usually given answers on tests, and play bingo often. These kids spend 99% of there school year in this room, learning the ABC's, and counting to 10. This room usually contains an abnormally sized couch that has drool all over it.
Man 1: Have you been in the sped room?

Man 2: Derrr....uerrmm.....COUCH.
by Dr.Pepperlotsundbergy April 26, 2008
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