2 definitions by Dopeyfeind

its the term used to describe something that was originally someones elses and antoher person has used the origniality for their own purposes without and mention or recognition of the origin of the original.
i.e if someone uses someone elses lyric and uses them on their own track without mentioning the influence.
Copyright breaches etc
i.e if someone uses someone elses lyric and uses them on their own track without mentioning the influence or trying to pass them off as their own. thats InspiRAPEtion!

taking someone elses talent and using it for your own gratification.

Cher lloyd xfactor, alleged "own lyrics" turned out to be other rap artists lyrics!
by Dopeyfeind March 18, 2011
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The love of any kind of baked goods.
they love the baked goodness UH HUH!!
sausage rolls, pasties, pies,quiches

A bakers is a crustummaniacs dream!!!
by Dopeyfeind April 10, 2011
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