1 definition by Dont-Take-My-Word-For-It

Saiheron is that girl who is very warm hearted, She is super cute in her boots that she always wears, singing her heart out to Disney Frozen. She is the type of girl to call a best friend and a sister, Always putting others first in her heart, truly the a gift from above. The type of girl no one can truly be mad at because she is so kind hearted. The kind of girl that when you meet. never let her out of your arms, keep her close to your heart and never let her go, Hopefully she will keep you under her wing and stay with you forever, if she ever leaves you, know its for the best and if its destiny you will meet again.
Me: *says something stupid*
Saiheron: RrRRaAAaaaAAaAtTttTT
Me: DANG IT!!!!!!*thinking of something to save me*
Saiheron: Rat
Me "Turtle"
Me:( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
by Dont-Take-My-Word-For-It January 20, 2020
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