1 definition by Don’t_eat_yellow_snow

A beautiful, sweet, caring, kind girl. Istat will always be able to cheer you up and lift up your spirits no matter what. She goes to unbelievable lengths for the people she cares about and loves. Never underestimate her, because once she has her mind set to something, it’s hard for her to give up. Istat likes music and singing, and she is very adventurous and brave. Her only flaw is that she sometimes lets her kindness and care get the best of her when other people take advantage of her. Otherwise, some might say she is close to perfect.
Guy 1 : Hey, your friend is perfect.
Girl 2 : I know, her name is Istat.
Guy 1 : Figures.
by Don’t_eat_yellow_snow March 1, 2021
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