2 definitions by Doctor Thalamo

1. A perverted person who is prone to having uncontrollabe shizer attacks during moments of glee.
Dude, I met this bojax the other day - he shat his pants after giving me a 45 minute lecture on fire ants! It was totally gross.
by Doctor Thalamo March 30, 2005
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When a wannabe rastafarian shows up at everyone Penn State party possible, but nobody knows who he is or what he's doing there. You dislike him immensley, however always love to have a drunk conversation with him by the keg.
Hey, Shady McJackson is here!


The smelly guy with dreadlocks who never pays for a beer but always has a cup filled by the keg.

Oh, right... I hate that guy!

Shady McJackson...
by Doctor Thalamo March 31, 2005
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