2 definitions by DirtyBubble

A younger brother, typically very annoying. You say this because you are making fun of how your parents treat him like a baby.
Oh what a cute little Bubberz

Bubby is my wubby

Your so Bubberz

Just a little Bubberz
by DirtyBubble July 2, 2011
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Where a bunch of white people go to party it up. Usually a HOMECOMING. Or an event at the Olive Garden or a friend's house. An all-around good time. For crackers.
Boy: Hey Maddie?
G: Yeah?
B: Are you going to attend the Dirty cracker bubble fest on October the 20th?
G: Yes: It should be an exceptional time.
B: Quite
by DirtyBubble October 11, 2012
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