9 definitions by Dirty Danny

A mysophile is literally someone who loves dirt, as opposed to mysophobes, who are afraid of dirt. It can take any form, also as a sexual attraction. A mysophile can be a crusty or an unwashable, being attracted to dirty surroundings, clothes, anything foul or dirty
The John Waters film 'a Dirty Shame' is also about a mysophile
by Dirty Danny September 4, 2005
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Crusties are very proud of their state of filth. A step on you'll find the unwashable. Unwashables truely and deeply loath any form of personal hygiene. An unwashable is a religiously hardcore mysophile who usually stays unwashed & crusty all his life. For them it is not so much a temporary statement of believes as a dedicated way to live, despite often being shunned by society.
He's so incredibly filthy, he's even worse than those crusties, he must be an unwashable.
by Dirty Danny September 4, 2005
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