1 definition by DingKank

The people of Urk, Netherlands.

The Dutch government decided to execute an experiment to see if it was possible to create a Dutch version of the American Rednecks. They succeeded when the fishing town of Urk was created where all points for being a Redneck were checked. Because of the towns relation with the Sea and fishing, instead of calling them Rednecks, they were called Bluenecks. This translated in Dutch is Blauwnekken.
Average conversation in Urk:
"Hey man, ik heb eindelijk mijn droomvrouw naar bed genomen"
"Oh ja? wie is het?"
"Mijn zus"
"Ik ook man, gewoon blauwnekken dingen"

"Hey man, I finally slept with my dream woman"
"Oh yeah? Who is it?"
"My sister"
"Me too man, just Bluenecks things"
by DingKank May 27, 2020
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