2 definitions by Dicknipplesalad

The flagship of battle royal games, took the world by storm when it first came out in early access. Gameplay consists of finding weapons and trying to kill other players. The game is a shitty mess, consisting of inconceivably horrible melee, shitty controls, shitty hitrec, literally millions of cheaters, ping abusers, and all the other scum of the gamer world. Brendon "player Unknown" greene made half a billion off of this steaming pile of shit and abandoned it in the early access phase, only implementing loot boxes (surprise!) before moving it to version 1.0
Dude: hey guy, want to go play Player Unknown's Battlegrounds?

Guy: fuck that shit, ill play fortnite, at least its a complete game
by Dicknipplesalad May 1, 2018
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The metaphorical juice someone guzzles right before making a stupid decision out of the blue. Also, some people just sip it all day everyday and make smaller, more numerous stupid decisions all day.
P1: (Guzzles down a fifth of retard juice in one chug) I think im going to quit my job that pays $20 an hour and join the Army!

P2: (sips retard juice all day at work)

P2 Coworker: P2 has been on the retard juice again, thats the 3rd time today he forgot to stock the merchandise and ive had to do it for him.
by Dicknipplesalad June 12, 2020
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