1 definition by Deutschland Pwnz All

A hunk of crap, tin can, economy car with an over-boosted engine and all wheel drive. It tries to execute an idea originally brought forth by Audi 25 years ago, and even its name is stolen, from a series of legendary Mercedes, as well as the hideous and gargantuan rear wing. Its target audience is teenage males, but owners of this car tend to be aging males, with levels of maturity on par with that of a 12-year-old, who saw the 'Fast and the Furious' movies and thought they were great cinema. Owners may also include those who do not possess the intelligence to build a fast car themselves.

WARNING!: Witnessing one of these tools driving an Evo can cause the witness actually become embarassed FOR the driver of said crap-box. This phenomenon is known as Loser-Sympathy.
"Holy crap! That guy just wrapped his Evo sideways around a telephone pole. It must have given him the delusion that he could actually drive."
by Deutschland Pwnz All February 27, 2007
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