1 definition by DerekfromMadison

When ones birthday falls on a weekend it is a great time. However, it is much less fun when one's birthday is on a weekday. As a consolation, many people observe the tradition of birthday 9 days. Instead of one big party, you can celebrate your birthday in smaller parties starting the weekend before your birthday and ending at the end of the following weekend, making a total of 9 days.

There are two sects of people that define which days are weekend days. One group defines the weekend as Friday and Saturday, while another group defines the weekend as Saturday and Sunday. Usually people over the age of 30 fall into the latter group, since they are too old to go out and party on Friday night.
Mark: "Does birthday 9 days start this weekend?"
Derek: "Hell yea! 9 day bender here I come!"
by DerekfromMadison February 16, 2017
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