2 definitions by DerEli

The word "Clerasiltestgelände" means roughly translated: "Clerasil testing area"Clerasil is the brand name of a popular anti-zit lotion. It is used by the youth in Germany to insult people, who have a zit-blasted face.
,,Du Opfer! Kümmer dich mal um dein Clerasiltestgelände!"

"You looser! Care for your Clerasil testing area!"
by DerEli May 16, 2014
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The word "Clerasiltestgelände" means roughly translated: "Clerasil testing area"Clerasil is the brand name of a popular anti-zit lotion. It is used by the youth in Germany to insult people, who have a zit-blasted face.
,,Du Opfer! Kümmer dich mal um dein Clerasiltestgelände!"

"You looser! Care for your Clerasil testing area!"
by DerEli May 16, 2014
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