2 definitions by Demeters Fury

death by idiotic preoccupation with texting
To commit texticide by having a flaming fatal car accident while texting "OMG!!! I am SO going to die!" Texticide might be preceded by texts like "Seriously, I am just about to pull the ripcord!!" "Yeah, doood, Im like totally wrkng rite now. Nah, ths chemical plants run thmslvs." "o shit! gotta go. ttyl!!!"
by Demeters Fury July 3, 2009
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Causing multiple fatalities through an idiotic preoccupation with texting.
Commiting mass texticide by having a flaming fatal car accident while texting "OMG!!! I"m about to die!!!" Mass texticide might be preceded by the following texts: "Seriously, I'm about to pull the ripcord!!" "Yeah, dude, I'm totally working right now. Nah, these chemical plants run themselves." "oh shit gotta go! ttyl"
by Demeters Fury July 3, 2009
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