1 definition by DeadliftDon

A swolemate is defined as:
"He is your partner for life. In times of PRs and failed sets, during your bulks and cuts. He's there when you need a spot or someone to record your form. He's there at your meets, during your program peaks, and deload weeks. You two are bonded for life by the glute gods to traverse the gym dimension, acquiring the gains before you in your lifetimes He is more than a bro (or broette). Thou is thy swolemate."

- Excerpt from "The Lift Bible, Chapter 9001 Verse Tree Fiddy"
- Swolemate 1 is preparing for a PR bench press -

Random Guy: "Hey, do you need a spot?"
Swolemate 1: "Sorry, but do you even lift? I've got my swolemate with me."
Swolemate 2: "Dear Brodin, forgive my swolemate for the gains he's about to receive."
by DeadliftDon February 10, 2015
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