2 definitions by DatNguh19

Adj. When someone (usually caucasian) is blissfully unaware of their ignorance concerning social and political matters due to surrounding themselves with pro-white and/or pro-right rhetoric and media. This creates an echo chamber-esque effect that only exacerbates their closed mindedness. It is also an ironic play on the often derogatory term "snowflake" as it is usually used to describe someone pro-right who is too ill informed to care about the real problems.
"Dude, this Trumpette just posted an "I voted" pic. I asked her about gerrymandering and if her state bound their electoral reps to which she of course had no clue about. Needless to say, she got butt hurt and blocked me. Now who's the snowflake you snowblind sheep?
by DatNguh19 October 17, 2020
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Noun. The internet lag one experiences from too many advertisements. Usually a consequence of visiting adult, free streaming, etc sites without ad blockers and/or adware/malware/virus infection.
"I tried to juice my root chakra but all the ad lag ruined my nut sauce recipe! P.S. you might wanna Malwarebytes your PC. I wasn't patient zero but I def didn't quarantine my dick sneeze if you know what I mean."
by DatNguh19 October 17, 2020
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