1 definition by DarkSaturn

Pronuced- Sera Muun
One of the most well known anime series to most americans. A shoujo 'magical girl type anime' for younger girls. A manga written by Naoko Takeuchi. Known nefariously for its bad dubbing. Excluding that was a series that had more darker subtones and messages beyond the 'monster of the week setup'(such as jelousy, science, homesexuality and sexuality in general, death, dreams, and duty for ex.) and the plot the further along had a pacifist message along the series as Usagi fought only when she had to, but sacrifing herself when need be w/o fighting (Basing this on the subbed version). That and girls ranging in various personality traits in short skirts with magical powers based on astrological symbolism. Spwaned many merchandise, doujinshi, and manga.
The Sailor Moon series must've set Naoko Takeuchi finacially for life.
by DarkSaturn July 18, 2003
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