1 definition by Dankloser12

Memecordism ( adjective : memecordist) is the basic ideology that rules the useless discord server of memecord, ruled by the lazy goldmining jew Memetastic and his asskissing pedophile gang. This ideology encourages on banning and muting people for no sense or for things mods do always, send memes that aren't funny all time either cropped or low quality, spam gifs that are meaningless or say no spamming, bullying new members and that alwo is the reason the server is not growing, and makig fun of reddit. It's mostly followed by the memecorder and first appeared in memecord in summer 2019. The memecordists are the worst specie in discord beings.
This server is being very memecordist recently, I am leaving this shit.

Memecordism being defined as above, very bad discord server
by Dankloser12 May 17, 2020
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