1 definition by Damian O

Stoopid is a word which can define the good quality of something.In a way like sick or ill,but mainly used for something more amazing or cool
(mainly use to describe the good of something not the bad)

The word origins come from the rapper Gucci Mane from his song "Stoopid"

Example 1#
Mj - Yo man i just got these new 24s inch rimz on my car!
Dj- Damn man them rimz stoopid!

Example 2#
A car with 18 inch rims would be considered sick or ill

A car with 24 inch rims would be considered stoopid

Example 3#
Guy1 - Did you guys notice my new watch,cost me 2 grand
Guy2 - Wow your such a showoff man.
Guy3 - True, but im not going to hate that watch is pretty damn stoopid
by Damian O April 14, 2009
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