3 definitions by Dakkadakka

A curse word or explicit way of showing frustration without the use of overly coarse language.
"poo you," or, "oh poo"

in some cases, human beings are known to have outbursts, such as "POO," generally showing the lack of appropriate wording.
by Dakkadakka March 2, 2010
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To needlessly perform greater actions on lesser required movements in the attempt to show skill and exaggerate performance.

Eg. Leaning or hanging off a motorcycle when not needed, such as very very very slow manoeuvring.
He was daxing like he was Rossi trying to park at Tesco’s.
by Dakkadakka June 5, 2021
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To needlessly perform greater actions on lesser required movements in the attempt to show skill and exaggerate performance.

Eg. Leaning or hanging off a motorcycle when not needed, such as very very very slow manoeuvring.
He was daxing like he was Rossi trying to park at Tesco’s.
by Dakkadakka June 5, 2021
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