1 definition by Daedalme


1) A written paragraph exceeding 20 complete sentences in length.

2)A paragraph comprised entirely of long-winded (but not run-on) sentences.

3)Informal reference to an entire written work (story, report, etc...) that is presented with no indentation and no spaces or separation between bodies of words--justified body of written work.

*Coined in favor of authors notorious for long and winded paragraphs in their writing.
In a generic paperback book, any passage that consumes more than one page (without indentation) is a loigraph.

Edgar Allen Poe's stories contained loigraphs (as per the second definition of "loigraph").

Children ignorant of formatting (on computers) have tendencies to write loigraphs (as per the third definition of "loigraph").
by Daedalme November 9, 2009
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