3 definitions by DRrecords

the gangsta of all gangstas; the pimp of all pimps; the kid with the body of a god/dess, the heart of a lion, and the mind of a mouse.
Someone tries to steal your shit and you bitch slap them to the floor...thats so d lar of you.
by DRrecords January 2, 2007
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Ro is to "pwn" what "pwn" is to own.
Someone tries to steal your shit and you bitch slap them to the floor...they just got Ro'd
by DRrecords January 6, 2007
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ro is to "pwn" what "pwn" is to own.
Someone tries to steal your shit and you bitch slap them to the floor...they just got Ro'd.
by DRrecords January 2, 2007
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