1 definition by DOLANTWINS LOVAAA

A girl with beautiful eyes you will easily fall into . She is caring and kind but she's easy to be hurt . She's trusting and easy to fall in love . Her heart has been crushed before but she still trusts people which can hurt her more than help . She has a great talent, usually and artist or singer . Not only is she breathe takingly beautiful she is great with kids and won't stop until she made someone smile . She senses pain and emotion within minutes so don't hide it . She's there for her friends and knows when to stand up for herself . She's headstrong and a little stubborn . She's self conscious and her worst critic, she's told she's beautiful but she doesn't believe it . She strives for perfection in grades and life . But she falls short sometimes all though her grades are usually exceptional . She cares deeply for those who are sad or in her life for a while and hurts when they leave . She is a warm hearted soul who deserves the world and all her happiness.
Nick : Stop it your beautiful
Emily's mind : no I'm not

Emily : thanks I guess
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