1 definition by DJ M.O.B.S

1. A milder way of calling someone a f**K head.

2. Since the advent of Facebook this term has also been used to describe someone who is constantly on Facebook. Faceheads find it necessary to check their Facebook page at least 5 times every 30 minutes. Any and everything that happens in life is eligible to be added to a Faceheads status update. Faceheads will also ignore more important things just to get on Facebook so that they are never made to feel like they are missing anything important.
1. "Look at Karen updating her Facebook status on her Blackberry. She's such a Facehead."

2. "Man I am such a Facehead I totally forgot to write my paper last night. I was just on Facebook all night catching up with the world."
by DJ M.O.B.S December 15, 2009
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