2 definitions by DJ Frolic

A filler word you can use in your everyday conversation if you don’t want to sound too much like a Terminator. If used correctly, it will make you sound cool and tough at the same time.
John: You gotta listen to the way people talk. You don’t say “affirmative” or some shit like that. You say “no problemo”. … If someone gets upset you say “chill out”! Or you can do combinations.
Terminator: Chill out, dickwad.
John: Great! See, you’re getting it!
Terminator: No problemo.
by DJ Frolic October 5, 2010
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Contraction of "ohne Einschränkung", German for "without restriction". Sometimes used as a symbol in mathematical proofs. However, the abbreviation "o. E." or the term "ohne Beschränkung der Allgemeinheit" ("without loss of generality") and its abbreviation "o. B. d. A." are more common.
Sei Πx > 0.
Sei o. B. d. A. x > 0

Let x > 0 w. l. o. g.
by DJ Frolic February 19, 2006
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