2 definitions by DIMPIH

Janbong is a word to tell your friend / best friend to stop disturb/iritate you. It is a word spesifically made to express someone's feeling.
1.Stop being a janbong la
2.janbong, stop disturbing me huft
3.haiyaaa dont keep iritating me, janbong
4.Dont do shit on this game, janbong
by DIMPIH April 3, 2021
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Bo Lui is a tio ciu word oftenly used by Chinese Pontianak people to describe how broke they are. Bo Lui is an ordinary word, often used to describe a friend or more specifically "best broke friend"
1. Alim si bo kiu lou, ie bo lui wa
2. Paldo ei min yok chicham, ie bo lui D:
3. Wa si yok pu a bro, mi jien le bo lui, bo kiu
by DIMPIH April 3, 2021
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