1 definition by DICE.,.,

Acquired Immune Deficincy Syndrome-A horrific disease that has killed so many innocence, although the Wesboro Baptist Church and other homophobes might not agree with this, not all HIV\AIDS victims are homosexuals (whoever believes that homosexuals are the only ones who get this for a reason like "God hates the gays" is an uneducated person with the Intelligence Quotient of around 5). AIDS is very common in the countries of Africa, and has also killed people such as Freddie Mercury. The disease is not given to someone like a simple cold, to obtain AIDS, you must either share someone's blood that carries AIDS,or have sexual intercourse with someone with AIDS. This is a popular mistake, for example, when Ryan White got AIDS and his school found out, he was immediately expelled.
Person no.1: Ewww!!!!! Ramón has AIDS!!!! I can't get close to that jesus-hating faggot!!!!

Me: Uhhh...Dude, just because he has AIDS doesn't mean you can catch it from just being around, this also doesn't mean he's gay, and there's nothing wrong with someone's sexual oreintation. You should know better than to someone like crap because of their indivisuality or health.
by DICE.,., November 30, 2008
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