1 definition by DDmetsfan20

A cold-hearted cunt that enjoys mooching off of others to support her own financial disaster. Only cares about herself, if she doesn't get her way she throws a fit and tries to put you through an ultimatum.
Ex. Buy my some Marlboro 100's or I WILL call the cops!
Its funny cause I laugh at this bitch everytime, shes one of those bitches that acts all "nice" and "caring" when shes out and about, only cause she mooched some gas money to go hang out with friends she doesnt have, and the friends she does have are ethier fat, ugly, mentally challenged(or all of the above) and thats so she can easily mooch some more off them cause there too dumb to realize how fucked in the head this cunt is. Usually a Jackie spends her time watching corny-ass soap operas on TV, eats ramen noodles daily, and pretends like shes talking to someone on her cellphone cause shes just that cool.
Ex. Hey Jackie, I am going to see my buddy I haven't seen
in years, were having a bbq.
Jackie- No, you can stay here and watch the kids while I go out and get starbucks for myself. Also give me 60 dollars for gas so I can aimlessly drive around for hours on end without any destination.
by DDmetsfan20 October 14, 2011
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