1 definition by DCMSTN3RD

The Dearborn Center for Math, Science, and Technology. A magnet school for Dearborn public schools students located in Dearborn Heights, Michigan. (First problem, it's across from an Islamic House of Wisdom. Even if you wanted to skip where the fuck would you go?) Basically this school is full of 2 types of people, kids who take it seriously, and kids who blow it off and are staying by force from caring parents. We're the best students in the district, but also the best cheaters, and the teachers are all quite aware. We have our own set of inside jokes, twitter accounts, problems, and much much more. Honestly a pretty badass group of about 90 kids per class, and we can all fit in one hallway. We may be nerds but you will NEVER be on our level. Believe that.
Random Dearborn Public School Student: Why are you leaving lunch early?
DCMST Student: I'm going to catch my DCMST bus.
Random Dearborn Public School Student: Oh, you go to DCMST? NERD!!
by DCMSTN3RD April 22, 2012
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