2 definitions by D'Royce O'Coinpurse

adj ~ a wonderful occurrence that is purely a lucky coincidence facilitated or created by a blunder; succeeding because of failure, rather than despite it
Sweetheart, you're the most blunderful thing to ever happen in your mother's and my lives.
by D'Royce O'Coinpurse February 28, 2010
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n - a rare blending of grits & nato, generally served to eunuch sex servants of japanese royalty post-coitus to denote success
n - gifted shaftmastersmith
By the time the Shogun sealed the gate, Em had mixed enough mashu to serve every eunuch in town, but she knew few true mashu among them that could earn it.
by D'Royce O'Coinpurse February 7, 2010
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