1 definition by CuteDucklings

Ignoring all the racist comments and such, I'll have to add that most people don't have a correct image of Indians. Has anyone noticed that the tip of North India touches the China border? Does anyone have the knowledge that there are many different appearances of Indians?

Indians have a variety of appearances. I am pure Indian, from the tip of the north, and I have green eyes, fair skin, and brown hair... light brown at that. There is no one related to me who is not Indian. People have never known from first look that I am Indian.

Indians from the north look very Chinese or Spanish (not sure what the green eyes and brown hair leads to), Indians from the south tend to have darker skin (naturally because they're closer to the equator), and from the middle they have golden or light caramel skin. Most people think of Southern Indians and no others but this is not the whole picture.

I'm proud of my origin and I think my people are very beautiful as they are. Because we have so many colors (from the palest to the darkest) we are very accepting of everyone. India is a beautiful country and so are our people.
Me: The country I am from is India...

Person: You're not Indian! You're white!

Me: Shut up you ignorant kid... not all Indians are dark, and even if some are, does it really matter?
by CuteDucklings December 31, 2011
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