1 definition by Cut me a little spaghetti.

Crappy site filled with 15-year-old fanboys who don't know what a troll is.

The message boards are apparently for game discussion, but what they really boil down to is a small group of elitist knobs desperately trying to impress each other by posting memes in every topic.
Person: This game wasn't as good as the last one in my opinion. Here are some areas where I felt it was lacking: ... ... ..., anyone care to discuss or share ideas?
GameFag #1: I don't see the point of this other than to troll.
GameFag #2: Cool story bro.
GameFag #3: inb4coolstorybro
GameFag #3: Damn, beaten by three seconds!
GameFag #4: Don't feed the troll.
*Topic locked*

^Generally how topics go on GameFAQs.
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