2 definitions by Csgo7daysban

Literally the same thing. In 2021 because the radical left took over, everyone's IQ and mentality is incapable to understand that those 2 are the same thing. One is based on human stupidity and overcomplication whilst the other is factual. If this western craziness won't stop we're doomed.
Some idiot: "gEnDeR&sEx aRe nOt tHe SaMe, GeNdEr iS a SoCiAl CoNsTrUcT"
Based person: "Did you not have a dad?"
by Csgo7daysban May 18, 2021
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The Bible is the way for happy eternal life. People do not like The Bible because it restricts all the sinful "fun". But people love their sin (all the authors of the definitions above) so they decide to go to Hell.
Christian: "Hey, Jesus loves you, don't do that to yourself. Try reading The Bible, it's a The greatest book you will ever read with all he answers you need"
Atheist: "But I love sinning!"
by Csgo7daysban May 20, 2021
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