1 definition by CryBaby_Clique_319

Who we are: Fandom of the Ohio born, two man band "Twenty One Pilots". We're everywhere and you can't get rid of us. We're probably the most savage fandom out there. We're mostly friendly, but trash Josh or Tyler and we'll rip your face off.

Things that upset us: "21 Pilots" "What genre is Twenty One Pilots?" "top" "\-|" "Tyler's more important than Josh; he's the lead singer"
Person #1: "Man, I hate 21 Pilots"
Person #2: "Gotta go"
Person #1: "Why?"
Person #2: "The Clique; they'll-"
The Clique: *literally rips Person #1's face off*
Person #2: "Told ya. Don't mess with the Clique."
by CryBaby_Clique_319 February 10, 2017
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