2 definitions by Crimsondeath798

Someone who looks like they've been fed nothing but off brand pop-tarts and crystal meth since they were a fetus. They weigh next to nothing, have disproportionate body parts and appear to have stunted growth.
"Hey did you meet the new kid Brian? Hes so thin he looks like a meth baby."
by Crimsondeath798 September 7, 2016
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When a person has an std, specifically gonorrhea or chlamydia, and ejaculates in someone. The person creampied may grossed out by the resulting green jizz.
Girl 1"OMG, Jason didn't pull out and it was all green and gross"
Girl 2 "damn, getting a shamrock creampie is the worst"
by Crimsondeath798 February 14, 2017
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