2 definitions by CrengeLordAsh

Big boy has no description other than Big. For as long as you are running... he is getting bigger.
"oh fuck is that Big Boy over there," says Small Boy #3741
"You'd know when Big Boy is here... he's big," says Small Boy #6480
by CrengeLordAsh September 13, 2021
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Crenge is nothing like it's predecessor, "Cringe". By saying someone is Crenge is putting their life completely bellow yours and everyone else. They, for as long as they are crenge, do not matter. They should be completely outcast and should not be in the vicinity of anyone who is not crenge.
Mike: "Dude that person over there seems kinda crenge"
Thomas: "Shit dude we've got to go. We can't stay around here."
by CrengeLordAsh December 2, 2020
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