1 definition by Crei

The year that will go down in history for being the pinnacle of memes. New quality additions to the meme list include: Roadman Shaq, who made the world famous masterpiece "Man's not hot", PewDiePie, who called somebody black and last but not least... spidget finners! These amazing contraptions allow you to SPIN them - no wonder they ruined the entire internet. The best part about 2017 is that these are only some of the great memes that were generated this year!

In addition, 2017 was the last year that humans will have to put up with NOT PAYING MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR WEBSITES. Who wanted that anyway? Luckily, our boi Ajit Pai is here to save the day and make all you citizens of 2018 much, much happier!

Um..that's basically it, though. Nothing actually happened this year apart from the downfall of the internet.
*Example 1*
Guy #1: Do you remember that amazing year? The year of Big Shaq and co.?

Guy #2: Uh- yeah I remember it... wasn't it 2024 or something?

Guy #1: No, you obsolete moron, that was 2017! How could you forget?

*Example 2*
Human being: Lol look at this retard!

Human being 2: Wow, he's so stupid! What the fuck is he doing?

Human being 3: ikr, he reminds me of that retarded year... 2017 or something.

Human being: Woah..that's too harsh. Calm down.

This year was also the year before the legendary year of 2018, so it's impossible to forget!
by Crei January 4, 2018
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