9 definitions by Creamy Dudlius

When you are looking for a new pair of undies in a "Dirt Cheap" and stumble up a ripe pair that have seen the light at the end of the tunnel then went to hell and came back for revenge.
Whece: Hey bro, this man-thong looks pretty dope and it's only $2.99!
Boog: Dude you see that brown shit I think those have been TEST DRIVEN.
Tyler: Man what a steal, let me try them on my face first to make sure they fit right.
Nibslug: All I own is TestDriven-Undies!
by Creamy Dudlius December 7, 2021
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The act of finding a suspicious napkin next to dumpster that has a 1 in a billion chance of being used as an anal wipeage utencil by an anonymous homeless man/woman.
Nathan: dooOooOOD! I touched a napkin and I think it had a gray/green/blue/orange/pink/dark brown/black stain on it around midnight so I couldn't fucking see anyway but It's probably going to get on my carpet then my floor and steering wheel and kill me.
Wheece: Well that sounds like a SHARTKIN my friend.
Tyler: Let me smell it to make sure.
by Creamy Dudlius December 7, 2021
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