2 definitions by CrazyCanadia

A Holistic Democracy is governance for the 21st century. A system where decentralized, open source, trustless, people driven and people focused systems remove the need for fallible positions of power.
A Holocracy transcends but includes the best parts of Democracy, it simply eliminates the single points of failure and corruption.

A Holocracy is a system which allows all the assholes of the world to exist, it just doesn't give them any position of power.

A Holocracy is one naturally focused on balance and peace for all while being adaptive and responsive to the will of the people who choose to live within it.
by CrazyCanadia July 19, 2019
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The moment of realization and reorientation of previously held dogmatic frameworks into an updated model which is more adequate then the now previous one.

This happens to us all when after framing a particular environment or action adequately the frame no longer needs continuous updating. This is usually expressed as "that's how I've always done it" sort of mentality or a kind of auto-drive. This mode is not focused on updating the original adequate framework and therefore becomes background or second nature.

Integrally speaking, this is a mode which does not focus on the environment or action in the external but tends to focus on the internal felt experience while at the same time inhibiting the individual from reframing the previous into greater context. This can be avoided by sharing your framework with others, attempting to take a different approach, or seeking to improve the existing modes. All of these will help to expand the frame towards greater contextual inclusion and culminate in the experience of the Pazsitzky Effect.
Routinely taking a short trail hike, finishing, and hoping it was longer or more of an exercise. When you express that felt desire to a friend, seek alternate options, or seek to re-strategize for the desired outcome you start to orient from a different perspective and help encourage the growth and re-orientation of the initial frame. The resulting Ah-ha moment of re-orientation is the Pazsitzky Effect.

Positive Effects:

From this you may realize you can just do the same short trail hike as many times as you'd like to provide the desired outcome.

Negative Effects:
Your sharing of initial perspective may result in your friend or others being awestruck, dumbfounded, and may even result in them calling you names.
by CrazyCanadia November 6, 2021
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