3 definitions by Cray Z chikenz

( noun ) A deadly high velocity flying fat sharp beaked bird that can poke out eyes of humans. When walking it quickly pecks on the ground in search of the WOrM which is its daily meal. This creature tastes wonderful when cooked properly. Make sure it is not raw or alive otherwise consequences may be fatal.
by Cray Z chikenz April 25, 2019
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A website where people of all age, sex, religion, color, favorite colors, favorite books, favorite foods, economic status, hair color, health, weight, height, favorite games, house sizes, opinions, political parties, moms, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and favorite memes, talk trash about each other’s, age, sex, religion, color, favorite colors, favorite books, favorite foods, economic status, hair color, health, weight, height, favorite games, house sizes, opinions, political parties, moms, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and favorite memes.
by Cray Z chikenz May 30, 2019
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When someone says an insult that is extremely effective making the person that was insulted speechless or just sad.
1: Me: u have a bad life
Other guy: well u don’t have one
Me: having no life is better than having yours
Other guy: ...
Me: get burned.
2: Me: I’d slap you, but that would be animal abuse. Get burned
by Cray Z chikenz April 25, 2019
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